Each Linux distribution comes with a preinstalled Desktop environment but you can change between different desktop environments available

Switching desktop environments is as simple as installing a software package and selecting your preferred environment on the login screen, known as a display manager. You don%u2019t have to install an entirely different Linux distribution.

Below is the step by step process to do the same

Install package

To install new Desktop environment you will have to first install its package this can be achieved both by cli and gui, here i am using ubuntu to install xfce4 



How to switch between the desktop environments

Now that you have new desktop environment installed you would want to use it to do that you need to do following things

First logout 

When you see the login screen, click the settings icon and select your preferred desktop environment. You can adjust this option each time you log in to choose your preferred desktop environment.

Sign in and you%u2019ll see the desktop environment you chose. All desktop environments have access to your home folder and files, so they can share data. They%u2019re basically just different programs with their own individual settings.



Uninstall a Desktop Environment


To remove the desktop environment again you can use both GUI and CLI, On Ubuntu, you can do this from the Ubuntu Software Center or with the sudo apt-get remove packagename command





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